Recone like a pro!

In an effort to provide our customers with the best product experience possible we recently made a change to the way we ship subwoofer recone kits. In the past, recone kits were shipped fully assembled with the cone connected to the voice coil assembly. All recone kits will now be Read more…

Using an Adapter Plate

DD Audio doesn’t offer a 5×7 or 6×8 speaker but we realize that there are several people out there that have these applications and really want to use a DD Audio driver. Well, don’t fret because we have the fix for this situation. The AP-5.2 is an adaptor plate that allows Read more…

Product Spotlight: TS Series

The new TS series of subwoofers are specifically tuned for the customer who is looking for a high-end American made sound quality subwoofer. DD Audio subwoofers have always been know as some of the loudest and toughest subs on the planet, but our design focus has always been to simply build subwoofers Read more…